All Great Landscape Photos NEED This!!

Mark Denney

Sep 22, 2021

In this week’s episode, we discuss how all great landscape photos have 2 of these 3 things. Now depending on who you ask, you'll probably receive a slightly different answer, but from my experience if your landscape photo has 2 of these 3 things then it could be a keeper! I just completed a fall workshop in Iceland and one of the more common questions that came out of that workshop was how do you decide which photos are keepers when you take hundreds if not thousands of images on a trip?

In this video, I'll share with you the process I go through each time I return home from a trip in order to determine which photos are the keepers. I've changed my culling process multiple times over the years, but my current process has by far helped me the most. If you've struggled with narrowing down your pictures to the best ones then I hope this week’s episode will provide you with some helpful information that you can apply to your editing processing moving forward. As always thanks for watching! Mark D.


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