Mark Denney

Mar 10, 2021

In this week’s episode, we discuss aperture mistakes you should stop making in landscape photography! Perhaps the single largest source of confusion when it comes to determining the best camera settings for a particular composition has to do with Aperture. Should you use a large aperture with a small f stop number to throw the background out of focus or should you use a small aperture with a large f stop number to create those razor sharp and in focus images? And that doesn't even account for the fact that each aperture you select will also impact the overall exposure of your's enough to really scramble your brain! 

In this video, I'll share with you the 5 beginner aperture mistakes I used to make all the time when I was getting started with landscape photography. Now these 5 mistakes are not ranked in order of severity, but they are ranked in the order that they impacted my development when I was navigating how to choose the best camera settings for a particular scene. I can't begin to tell you how many photos I ruined by simply not fully understanding how the aperture I dial in can impact the overall outcome of my photo. I hope the aperture mistakes that I made will help you to avoid them the next time you're on-location trying to determine the best camera settings to use for your particular situation. Thanks so much for watching! - Mark D. 


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