Morten Hilmer
Published on Jul 25, 2020

I'm now ready to begin my one year wildlife photography project where I am sharing how we work with badger on a remote island in Denmark. I'm working together with a scientist and our goal is to document the behaviour of the badgers and to study the diurnal activity of the badgers at Vorsø and compare it to the activity of badgers living in agricultural areas i.e. in areas with human activity.

••• FAQ ••• 
After a few days I am going to update with FAQ from this video, and hopefully I can answer most of your common questions.

In this video I am on a desolate, protected island in Denmark to do wildlife photography. 
Since early March I have been working hard and systematically with trail cameras and tracking to find and photograph foxes and badgers in the scandinavian nature. Now finally the hard work and all the effort pays off.
Together with my friend and colleague, scientist Sussie Pagh I have got permission to a protected island in Denmark and here we finally found an active badger den.
Sussie Pagh is a scientist employed at the University of Aalborg. At the time being she studies the breeding behavior of badgers on the Island. With surveillance cameraes she studies the diurnal activity of the badgers at Vorsø and compare it to the activity of badgers living in agricultural areas i.e. in areas with human activity. In the future it is the plan to investigate the diet of the badgers on Vorsø, where they seem to thrive extremely well.

On the first trip to the island we were spending two days observing and photographing these amazing animals and we believe there are more than 10 badgers from 3 generations living together in this small community of connected dens.
In this episode I am alone on the island to photograph the badgers but also to record nature sounds from this location. I am not too lucky with the badgers, but hopefully the luck will turn.
I hope we will get many more opportunities to photograph these badgers and I am looking forward to sharing these small adventures.


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