Landscape Photography should be easier than this!

Andrew Marr

Published Jul 7, 2020

With the restriction easing on travel into the regions, I headed down south to visit the southwest for Western Australia for some landscape photography. Leaving Perth just after lunch, I arrived in Dunsborough less than an hour before sunset.

With time-limited, I opted for a location that was close by, easy to access and familiar. After all, this was the first opportunity I had to get the camera out and shoot, so I didn’t want to make things harder than it needed to be.

As I drove down, I couldn’t help but start to relax and ease into that country feel I had missed so much during the lockdown. When I arrived at Sugarloaf Rock, I took a path to the right of the rock. The walk over the familiar rocks provided gorgeous views. The sea was relatively calm compared to previous visits, so I was able to walk right down to the edge of the water. In the sky, there was high-level cloud just perfect for catching the colour of the setting sun. I finally settled on a location where I was going to be able to compose the main rock near the centre with the cloud drenched in colour surrounding it.

This image was going to be easy, just what I needed for my first adventure out after lockdown. However, I was about to discover that I had made capturing this landscape image little harder than it had to be.


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