Wildlife Photography: Morten Hilmer - WILDLIFE PHOTOGRAPHY and WILD CAMPING | Shelter, bonfire, bushcraft and a bit of self reliance

Morten Hilmer
Published on Oct 14, 2018

This is all about wild camping, bushcraft, wildlife photography and maybe a bit of self reliance.
I kind of needed to unplug for some days, after a busy period with lots of travels and many things to do. You know when your head gets filled up with new things that have to be done, before you have even finished, what you are already doing.
When I start to think this way, I don't enjoy the different tasks in my everyday as much as I use to do, and that is when it is time to unplug, to turn off the phone and for me - to go to the forest to spend time in nature. To reconnect.

This video is a little different than what I use to make, but since bushcraft and just living outside is a big part of my life, I thought I wanted to share that with you as well.

So yeah, maybe I will make some more videos in the future from my outdoor life in Scandinavia but with a few tips as well - we could call it Bushcraft for Photographers :)

Join me on this overnight trip to a Danish forest.


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