Street Photography: Gareth Danks - How i shoot the streets - Street Photography in London

Gareth Danks
Published on Oct 17, 2018

How i shoot the streets - Street Photography in London

its only very recently that i've become very interested in street photography! Other than random snaps when travelling its not something id given much thought, although id always admired the art and skill needed!
After my last trip to London when i managed to do a bit of street photography before meeting a client, i was super keen to get back to continue where id left off..!!

This vlog isnt meant as a how to do street photography obviously as i’m super new to it myself, but i thought id share a little behind the scenes as to the approach i take and how i shoot street photography! - And yes i love black  and white for street photography haha..
Im always looking to improve and develop my photography so if there are any pointers you'd like to share then please feel free to do so in the comments or message me if you like :-)

I hope you enjoy this adventure! i did although extremely tired!! i’m sure you can tell in the video too haha
Thanks for watching! i hope you enjoy! please let me know your favourite image and i look forward to seeing you on the next adventure :-)


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